Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Flavia Coffee for your Office

I was speaking with a friend about my new blog and he revealed to me that he too enjoyed Flavia coffee at home but also at work. 
Up to this point I didn't realize that Flavia had office coffee or commercial coffee machines available as well. He said they use the Flavia Creation 400™ at his job and that he used a Flavia Fusion Deluxe Drink Station at home. He also said that he would review both of these machines for my blog if I wanted him to. I said sure that would be great since I only use my Flavia Fusion Drink Station at home. So be on the lookout for a review for these machines coming soon!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah...most people don't know that there are a few machines. If I get some time I might be able to share some info about all of the machines
